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FEMA Flood Elevation Documents

At Shilts Land Surveying, we work with property owners to help them determine if a flood zone revision is possible and what Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) documents are necessary to do so. If you are currently paying for flood insurance and you feel that your property, buildings, or other structures are not in danger of flooding, we can assist in preparing documents that may help you avoid those insurance costs.


FEMA publishes flood hazard maps, called Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FIRMs.  The purpose of a FIRM is to show the areas in a community that are subject to flooding.  One specific area shown on a FIRM is the Special Flood Hazard Area, or more commonly referred to as the 100-year floodplain.   This 100-year floodplain as shown on the FIRM is used to determine if your property or building is subject to flood insurance.   FEMA admits that some areas are inadvertently shown within a 100-year floodplain, therefore they have a process allowing property owners to dispute the flood hazard location.  The process begins by submitting an application for a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA).


There are other times when lending institutions or local government agencies may require that property owners prove that their homes or buildings are above the 100-year floodplain. Completing a simpler form called an Elevation Certificate can accomplish this.  Elevation Certificates most often are used only by the requesting agency and do not need to be submitted to FEMA.


Confused yet?  Shilts Land Surveying will help guide you though the process.

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